Our Focus on Students
All institutions work hard to serve their students as effectively as possible, but few have taken the step of articulating and implementing a university-wide strategic plan centred around students.
The Student Strategic Plan represents multiple firsts at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Students are at the centre of all that we do at the university, and this is the first plan developed expressly to connect, amplify, and celebrate those activities. The Student Strategic Plan is one of the first initiatives of this magnitude driven through a coordinated cross-campus process, providing a model for collaboration in support of the student experience and other priorities at UBC. Moreover, the timing of the plan’s introduction coincides with a point in history that itself is a first: the convergence of a global public health pandemic, collective social awakening to systemic racism and the effects of colonization, and the intensifying climate emergency.
At this unique juncture in UBC’s history, the Student Strategic Plan will be critical to leading, and supporting, work that is integral to the academic mission and public mandate of the university.
UBC has many strengths in our service to students, but we recognize that there are areas where we can, and need to, improve. We take accountability for the goals and strategies outlined in this plan and will work hard to address any shortcomings. All faculty and staff have a role to play in these efforts: supporting our students and bringing the Student Strategic Plan to life.
Students can be confident that the plan has the full commitment of the leaders of the university. We are honoured that our students have chosen UBC, and we will do our best to continue to earn the trust that they have placed in us.
Tuum est.
Santa J. Ono President and Vice-Chancellor
Lesley Cormack Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC Okanagan