How we got here
The Student Strategic Plan was launched at an extraordinary time, during the COVID-19 pandemic and shift to online learning. Across both campuses, we connected with UBC students, staff, and faculty to understand their needs and priorities, knowing that thoughts and feedback can shift over time.
The plan was informed and shaped by student input. We will continue to develop and refine the Student Strategic Plan through collaboration with and across the UBC community.

The planning process
The Student Strategic Plan was informed and shaped by input from students and members of the UBC community. We engaged broadly across the Vice-President, and Associate Vice-President, Students portfolios and wider campus community, connecting with students, student leaders, UBC community partners, and faculty leadership. Input was gathered through consultation sessions, focus groups, individual meetings, surveys, and questionnaires, and cross-campus town halls.
Through each consultation, we refined our commitments and strategies, and we will continue to do so. Our intent is for this to be a “living plan”.

The student consultation for the plan included conversations with the Alma Mater Society, Graduate Student Society, and the Students’ Union Okanagan executives, as well as focus groups with leaders from student groups (Orientations, Peer Programs, Aboriginal Peer Mentors, and more).
Ainsley Carry, Vice President Students, and Dale Mullings, Associate Vice President Students, also launched two cross-campus town halls and a questionnaire for UBC undergraduate and graduate students to provide feedback on the plan.
The Vice-President and Associate Vice-President, Students leadership teams participated in developing the Student Strategic Plan through regular consultation sessions from January 2019 to June 2021.
All staff in the Vice-President and Associate Vice-President, Students portfolio were invited to participate in staff town halls to discuss the emerging plan and provide input on its direction.

Other members of the community
The Student Strategic Plan was also developed through consultation with a number of campus partners, including Deans and Associate Deans on both campuses. Additionally, leadership from the Vice-Provost and Provost Offices on the UBC Vancouver and Okanagan campuses were involved in the development of the plan.
Moving forward
The needs and priorities of students will change, which means the Student Strategic Plan will continue to evolve to shifting demands. The plan is intended to be a “living plan”, where we will continue to develop and refine it in collaboration with, and across, the UBC community.
Connect with us
We want to hear from you.
The Student Strategic Plan was developed with valued input from UBC students, staff, and faculty. We invite you to join our conversations, share your feedback, and submit your questions as we continue this journey together.